Sharing Our Plenty
Six months ago, it would have been impossible to imagine the energy we’re feeling at 4.0 Cellars these days. At that time, we’d been closed down for a few weeks and were trying to find ways to open safely and according to TABC and state guidelines. We were getting creative, testing e-commerce strategies, making use of online platforms to connect with our members and customers, and generally, finding ways to stay busy.
Boy, the times have changed. The weather has been about as perfect as one could ask for, and there seems to be no end to people who want to get out of their homes and taste wine. And we’re not alone. The entire wine country is bustling with visitors. Tasting rooms are making up for lost revenue from our slow spring and summer, and employees are making up for lost wages and tips. This business (or busy-ness!) is a good thing for everyone.
But as we officially begin the holiday season with Thanksgiving next week, let’s keep in mind that, even as things are looking up for some, they are many in our community who are suffering. Maybe their suffering is Covid related, or perhaps it began long before 2020. Regardless, we have neighbors in need.
So in our time of plenty, 4.0 is offering a way to support those who are less fortunate than we are by hosting a holiday food drive. Beginning Friday, November 20 and through Friday, December 18, we’re asking guests to bring non-perishable food items when they visit our tasting room. We’ll donate all the items we collect to the Hill Country Community Needs Council in Fredericksburg which will then share them with local families in need.
But wait! There’s more! For every four items that you donate, you’ll be entered to win a 4.0 custom gift basket valued at $250 (and yes, you can be entered more than once if you donate 8 or 12 or 16 or more items!). So, you have a chance to win a fabulous prize while doing something good for others. A win-win…or a win-wine!
Here are the needed food items:
- Peanut butter & jelly
- Pasta & pasta sauce
- Canned soup
- Dried beans & rice
- Oatmeal
- Mac and cheese
- Canned chicken & tuna
- Canned fruits & veggies
So, as you plan your next visit to 4.0, make sure to fill your grocery basket with some extra items to help us help others. And then come on out and enjoy some great holiday wines!