How Our 4.0 Family Celebrates the Holidays
What do you get when you combine oodles of shrimp, Martin in pajama pants, paper plate artwork, and LOTS of wine? Our 4.0 staff annual Christmas party, of course. This year’s shindig was held at Nury’s in Fredericksburg and featured all sorts of games, prizes, and yummy grub.
Picture your favorite 4.0 staff members and their spouses/significant others/friends competing to find candy canes hidden in fully wrapped packages using only one arm or trying to spell “Santa Baby” using a bagful of corks, some with the needed letters and some without. Once again, Beth and Cristol found ways to channel our competitive spirits and ensure hilarity along the way. And our prizes were worth fighting for: a Vaudeville gift certificate, a trip to a spa, excellent wine, and some Garrison Brothers bourbon (that came home with me!).
Our party would no longer be complete without our traditional “4.0 Christmas Trivia” game that asks us to answer questions based on what we know about our 4.0 teammates (I don’t want to brag, but I’ve won this game two years in a row…without cheating!).
I thought it would be fun to share some of our trivia questions with our extended family…but you’ll have to visit us at the Cellars to find out the answers! So here goes…
What time does Craig start drinking on Christmas Day?
A. Right out of bed B. Noon C. 5pm D. Abstains…
How many states has Jim celebrated Christmas in?
A. 3 B. 12 C. 7 D. Jim’s Jewish
As a child, whose favorite toy for Christmas was a unicycle?
A. Merryl B. Susie C. Marie D. Carol
When does Marie open her Christmas gifts?
A. Christmas Eve B. Christmas Day C. No gifts…she’s on the naughty list!
Who would Dotty like to kiss under the mistletoe?
A. Harrison Ford B. Matt Damon C. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Who's the first person that Jimmy calls on Christmas morning?
A. The grandkids B. His accountant C. His son
How many cookies/desserts does Matt eat on Christmas Day?
A. Everything he can B. Would rather have Ruffles C. 5
What was Carl’s favorite gift as a kid?
A. Mr. Potato Head B. American Flyer Train Set C. G.I Joe
Caroline’s drink of choice on Christmas Day is…
A. Eggnog B. Santa’s leftover milk C. Bourbon hot toddy
What does Dave eat every Christmas morning?
A. Avocado toast B. Biscuits and gravy C. Eggs Benedict
Regardless of where you celebrate, when you open your gifts, what your favorite Christmas memories are and which ones you’re making this year, and what and when you drink on Christmas day, your 4.0 family wishes you a splendid holiday season…and we hope to see you soon in the New Year!